Yay!!! It’s my last day of the of the cleanse! I’m writing this as I’m drinking my last green juice. I am bit hungrier than I was yesterday and still have some cold symptoms. However, didn’t feel sleepy at all.
The final morning circle before yoga was very touching and inspiring. There were group of guys who are in recovery that took the step to cleanse for the first time to take it to the next step. Some of them just quit cigarette. Some of them have never done yoga. I eat pretty healthy for the most part except the sugar intake and still had detox symptoms, so I can’t imagine how challenging this has been for them. But all of them did great and stuck with it till the end. It was great to see people from last couple cleanses too. I’m grateful to share this experience with this group who were all inspiring. I’m especially grateful for my mentor Kia Miller for holding the space for the group to be open and honest. She is so motivating, inspiring and informative. We ended our yoga session with a beautiful kundalini chant, Ek Ong Kar (one with our creative consciousness).
There were several of us that caught the cold during the last few days of the cleanse. Tommy Rosen, Kia’s husband, recovery specialist and also a great yoga teacher, gave us an interesting metaphor for getting sick. To get to the next level of frequency, the previous level of frequency must collapse. It’s like when Gandalf transformed from the Grey wizard to the White wizard in Lord of the Rings. So it’s a good thing to get sick not bad during this process. Everything is how you perceive things. I really like this concept so I’m going to stick with it.
Even when I go back to solid food, I usually stay alkaline for at least couple weeks to reap the full benefits of the cleanse. It’s like setting a reset button and extending it as long as I can. That’s when the true magic happens. I also incorporate more of the good habits as a life style with each cleanse. After last cleanse, I got a nutra bullet to make my own green juice and other shakes with it. I pretty much stay liquid for the first half of the day. I also add alkaline ingredients to most of my meals. Lunch is where it gets challenging as time goes by till the next cleanse. But I am a lot better at portion control and more aware of what I’m putting in my body.
As my body gets clean from the toxins and heal from alkalizing, things shift in my life to help accelerate to the next level too. Sometimes it seems like everything is falling apart but there is something better waiting and puts me on the right path. I got a bad news from my tax lady with the results from my taxes for last year. But I didn’t get overwhelmed or react from a place of stress and anxiety the way I normally would. She felt bad for me but I was calm and was making jokes. That is my reality for this moment and I am going to take steps to change that. I have to keep the faith and take baby steps while being present. Now that I’ve been changing my relationship with food, I’ll need to take a look into my relationship with my finances, as well as other parts of my life.
Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend! On that note I will end with couple of my favorite quotes that relate to cleansing:
“Anything that heals is the truth” – Yogi Bhajan
“Change is never a matter of ability. It is always a matter of motivation.” – Tony Robins
p.s. love & light